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Think you have found an excellent source to obtain your prescriptions drugs such as Ambien, Zanax, Lexapro and Ativan? Think again! Many Americans who ordered these drugs were shocked when the FDA has issued an alert regarding buying these specific drugs over the internet because they have found some of these pills contain the anti-psychotic drug, haloperidol, commonly know as Haldol.

Used primarily to treat schizophrenia, common side effects of haloperidol include muscle stiffness, spasms, agitation, and sedation. Several people who received the contaminated medication sought treatment for difficulty in breathing and muscle spasms and stiffness, common side effects of haloperidol.
The origin of these misrepresented tablets is unknown, and several Internet web sites have been identified as selling the contaminated product. Photographs of the affected tablets can be viewed here. If you think you may have received these tablets instead of the medication ordered, report the suspected products to the FDA using a product quality problem report.

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